Monday, December 17, 2007

Can you be quiet please?

Over the weekend the Wife and I decided to go see some movies. We attempted to see I am Legend Friday night but the movies was sold out so we decided on Beowulf and Greondal. Sitting behind us was a father with his two children of 13'ish. Apparently the kids new nothing of the movie or the back story which isn't surprising. I didn't either. So they did what kids do and began asking questions. A lot of questions. The father indulged by carrying on full conversations on the topic. They tried to use their inside voices but during a movie even the smallest sound carries. Kids are inquisitive, asking questions is what they do and its how they learn. But there is a place and time for that and its not during a movie. I could see that this was going to carry on through out the entire movie so I politely asked them to cease talking. They did and the movie turned out to be good. - Now this story isn't surprising, it happens a lot with children at the theatre. Its expected. This next example was not expected how ever.

Saturday night, attempt number two at seeing I am Legend. This time, the theatre is packed and sitting on the row behind us is a whole family of ADULTS. These people truly pissed me off. They weren't even trying to be quiet or subtle about their conversations. They were shouting shit out like "don't go in there!", "leave the dog and run!", "WATCH OUT!". Seriously, WTF?. This group consisted of about seven people I believe. This carried on for a good bit and just as I was ready to ask them to knock it off, what did I hear? My sweet little wife turns around and says with much authority "PLEASE STOP TALKING". The talking stopped. I was so impressed.

So for the rude people that like to talk during movies out there...SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You aren't at home on the sofa. Be considerate, we don't care how smart you think you are for figuring out the mystery.


Nick Williamson said...

I completely agree. Not with lantus, but with your post. I'm friends with the theater manager so I get to watch movies now with him and the theater staff the night before it comes out. One of the main reasons they all watch it the night before is so they dont have to watch it with the general public. The vast majority of people have manners and dont talk or say shit in the theater, but there's always one or two groups that ruin it for the whole. The more people you get in a theater the greater chance you have of an idiot showing up. I saw Legend and it was awesome, but there's not any music in the movie to drown out the retards, so for somebody to sit behind you and say shit the whole time would have made me mad to no end.

Nick Williamson said...

This is weird because Ben, Val, and I decided to go see I am Legend. Two women were sitting in front of us and one of them talked through the entire movie. I kept saying shit to Ben about them, so I know she heard me, but she continued talking. After almost every scene she would start off her incessant talking with a "mmmhmm". I usually dont generalize people because of their race or color and I feel bad even saying this, but she fit every stereotype of a loud stupid fatass nigger that she could. It pissed me off to no end.